Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oils
IDO Advantage - Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Oil - Conventional (10W-30 FA-4)
IDO ADVANTAGE 10W-30 FA-4 represents the latest technology and advancements in heavy-duty diesel engine oils. FA-4 compliant engines were designed to run on low-viscosity oils to provide optimum fuel efficiency and environmental benefits.

IDO Advantage - Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Oil - Synthetic Blend (10W-30 FA-4)
IDO ADVANTAGE 10W-30 SYN BLEND FA-4 is a synthetic-blend 10W-30 representing the latest technology and advancements in heavy-duty diesel engine oil. FA-4 compliant engines were designed to run on low-viscosity oils to provide optimum fuel efficiency and environmental benefits.

IDO Universal - Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Oil - Monograde Conventional
IDO UNIVERSAL Monograde Diesel Engine Oils are blended from select high viscosity base stocks and low-ash additives. This formulation has added detergent to ensure engine cleanliness, minimized ring-sticking and reduced liner-scuffing.

IDO Premium Plus - Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Oil - Synthetic Blend (10W-30 CK-4)
DO PREMIUM PLUS SYN BLEND CK-4 10W-30 next-generation oil was formulated to meet compliance levels set forth by the EPA for diesel engines manufactured in 2017 and onward. Developed as a synthetic blend, this oil provides quantifiable improvements in emissions control, wear protection, TBN retention, shear stability, fuel economy and oxidation resistance.

IDO Premium Plus - Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Oil - Conventional (10W-30 & 15W-40 CK-4)
IDO PREMIUM PLUS CK-4 next-generation oil was formulated to meet API CK-4 specifications and compliance levels set forth by the EPA for diesel engines manufactured in 2017 and onward. It is fully backward serviceable to API CJ-4, CI-4 Plus, and CH-4.

IDO Premium Plus - Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Oil - Synthetic (0W-40)
IDO PREMIUM PLUS SYNTHETIC 0W-40 diesel motor oil combines a unique formula of Polyalphaolefin (PAO) synthetic group IV base oils together with a high-quality performance additive package. This advanced heavy-duty diesel motor oil is specially formulated to deliver exceptional cold temperature performance for the most demanding operating conditions.

IDO Premium Plus - Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Oil - Synthetic (5W-40 CK-4)
IDO PREMIUM PLUS SYNTHETIC 5W-40 CK-4 was formulated to meet API CK-4 specifications and compliance levels set forth by the EPA for diesel engines manufactured in 2017 and onward. It is compatible with exhaust after-treatment devices, including Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF), Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOC), and Selective Catalytic Reduction systems (SCR).

IDO Universal - Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Oil - Synthetic (0W-30 & 5W-40)
IDO Universal Synthetic 0W-30 and 5W-40 oils are blended from select synthetic base stocks with a naturally high viscosity index and a performance additive package based on API CK-4 technology.