Health & safety

An unwavering commitment to safety

Health and Safety

Safety is fundamental to how we operate our business each and every day. Our unwavering commitment to safety has always been an important point of pride at Irving Oil – a non-negotiable for our people and for the communities we serve.  

With our safety journey to zero, we are striving to eliminate severe incidents and injuries across our organization. We continue to focus on doing the right thing, the right way, every time.

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    Our targets:
    • To achieve top-quartile safety performance for each business line as compared to others in that industry.
    • To strive for the following safety performance targets for Recordable Injury Frequency (RIF) and Process Safety Events (PSE):
      • Sales & Marketing: RIF* below 1.41 and PSE** below 0.17
      • Refining & Supply: RIF below 0.50 and PSE below 0.3
    • To continuously improve our personal and process safety performance and to reduce risk through focused operational risk management, near-miss incident investigation and quarterly stewardship.

    RIF = (Number of injuries x 200,000 workforce hours) / number of hours worked  
    **PSE Rate = (Total Tier 1 PSE Count + Total Tier 2 PSE Count) x 200,000 / total hours worked 


We strive to eliminate all incidents and injuries from our workplaces through a culture of deep commitment to safety in all that we do, today and every day.